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Counts record the number of times a phenomenon occurs.




Air Frost

days when Tmin < 0.0 oC in a certain period of time* 
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Plant Development

months when Tavg > Tbase for development
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Growing Season Range

days between Start Growing Season and End Growing Season (see Dates) [Barnett et al., 2006]

Growing Season Length

days when Tavg > Tbase for growth between Start and End of Growing Season (see Dates)

[Barnett et al., 2006]

Access Period Range

return to FC - end of FC [Barnett et al., 2006]

Access Period Length

days when soil moisture < FC [Barnett et al., 2006]


days when P < Pt [Barnett et al., 2006]


days when P > Pt [Barnett et al., 2006]

Plant Heat Stress

days when Tmax > Tc [Barnett et al., 2006]

Dry Soil Days

days when soil moisture < SWCWP [Barnett et al., 2006]

Very Dry Soil

days when soil moisture < ADW [Barnett et al., 2006]

*year, coldest month, and winter trimester (December-February in the northern hemisphere; June-August in the southern hemisphere)

Tmin (oC): minimum air temperature

Tavg (oC): average air temperature

Tbase (oC): base temperature (for development, e.g. 5 oC; for growth, e.g. 5.6 oC)

FC (m3 m-3): field capacity (see Water balance)

P (mm): precipitation

Pt (mm): minimum threshold precipitation (e.g. 0.2 mm)

Tc (oC): critical air temperature (e.g. 25 oC)

SWCWP (mm): soil water content at wilting point (see Water balance)

ADW (mm): air-dried soil water content (see Water balance)


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