The daily time step model developed by Duthie (1997) and recently parameterized for five foliar pathogens by Launay et al. (2014) is implemented in the DiseaseProgress component.
This model firstly compute a temperature response function (ft, 0-1), as explained in the Equation below.
where Tmin (°C) and Tmax (°C) are the minimum and maximum temperatures for infection, Topt1 (°C) and Topt2 (°C) are the lower and upper thresholds for the optimum temperatures for infection and Infmax (unitless, 0-1) is the maximum infection efficiency under optimal conditions of temperature and wetness duration. The impact of wetness duration is taken into account in order to compute the daily infection efficiency Infeff (unitless, 0-1) according to the Equation below.
Where A (unitless) is the intrinsic infection increase rate, Wsum (hour)is the leaf wetness duration , WDmin (hour) is the minimum wetness duration requirement and B (hour) is the portion of the wetness period causing a decrease of the infection efficiency.
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