The following is an excerpt from "Approaching model implementation using the BioMA component-based architecture"; MODEXTREME, Teams of Work Packages 2 and 6, 2014. Workshop on Building model components. Available manual at: (last visit on 12/12/2014)
A model component package consists at least of two dynamic link libraries (dll). One implements data structures and interfaces, the other one model classes. The division in two components allows developing applications programming against the ComponentAPI dll, hence allowing either the replacement of the ComponentModels dll or the use of multiple model libraries, all consisting of strategies realizing the same interface. This software architectural design is known as Bridge Design pattern and it allows changing the model core without recompiling the application.
The dlls of the model component both realize interfaces and use the type VarInfo of the CRA.ModelLayer.dll core component, at the base of the Model Layer development (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Components of model package and dependency to the core component of the Model Layer.
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