For the crop model WARM, the Forcing component calculates new values of biomass starting from the LAI/NDVI values provided by the user with the following equations:
LeavesAGBd = daily above ground biomass partitioning to leaves at the current time step (kg ha d-1)
LAI = leaf area index (m2 m-2)
SLA = specific leaf area at the current time step (m2 kg-1)
StemsAGBd = daily above ground biomass partitioning to stems at the current time step (kg ha d-1)
StemsAGBd-1 = daily above ground biomass partitioning to stems at the previous time step (kg ha d-1)
LeavesAGBd-1 = daily above ground biomass partitioning to leaves at the previous time step (kg ha d-1)
StorageOrgansAGBd = daily above ground biomass partitioning to storage organs at the current time step (kg ha d-1)
StorageOrgansAGBd-1 = daily above ground biomass partitioning to storage organs at the previous time step (kg ha d-1)
LeavesAGBd-1 = daily above ground biomass partitioning to leaves at the previous time step (kg ha d-1)
TotalAGBd = daily above ground biomass at the current time step
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