

The UNIMI.Cassandra.RiceQuality component is a library of semi-empirical modelling approaches aimed at estimate rice grain quality as a function of the meteorological conditions experienced by the crop during the ripening period.

Quality variables considered are: amylose, protein, total lipids and starch content, some indices of starch viscosity profile, chalkiness, cracking and head rice yield and the percentage of grains affected by black spot damage. Alternate approaches for the simulation of the same quality variable are available, in order to favour the immediate comparison among available models. Most of the models implemented present parameters with a clear biological meaning, allowing to characterize different degree and duration of grain susceptibility to damages such as the genetic ability and the optimal range of temperatures for the starch synthesis in the kernel (Okada et al., 2009Chen et al., 2011). For each simulated variable, the component provides the final value reached at physiological maturity and/or its daily evolution in the field, from crop physiological maturity to harvest. RiceQuality component is/was used within national (“Climate change in Lombardy” project, funded by ERSAF-Regione Lombardia) and international projects (e.g., EU-FP7 ERMES and FIRST SCENARICE, funded by Cariplo Foundation). The component, extensible by third parties, is released as .NET DLL, thus targeting the development of .NET clients.

The component implements the test of pre-conditions and post-conditions, allowing an input to screen, TXT or XML file, and to .NET listeners. Custom output drivers can also be developed. Moreover, data sets used to perform unit tests is also provided as part of this documentation.

The component can be freely used and distributed by modelers and developers in their own applications. The component design allows for extensions by the users without requiring the re-compilation of UNIMI.RiceQuality. Sample clients are provided inclusive of source code to demonstrate how to add models, and to build a Win .NET application.

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