Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
se.LeavesDryWeight |
333.1454995 |
se.StemsDryWeight |
660.2181 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
se.GrainDryWeight |
454.2880623 |
s.TotalGrainCarbonAvailable |
529.2879153 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PotentialRelativeLeavesSolubleSugarContent |
0.0693 |
PotentialRelativeStemsSolubleSugarContent |
0.1244 |
PostAnthesisRemobilizationBeginning |
100 |
SeedWeight |
25 |
output |
IndividualStarchRateSourceRestricted |
0.162106956 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
* |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
parameters & internal static variables |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
output |
ax.TemperatureFactorStarch |
° |
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) |
{ |
double[] Tavg = new double[5]; |
*Tavg[0] = 12; |
°Temperature factor[0] = 0 |
*Tavg[1] = 18; |
°Temperature factor[1] = 0.342020143325669 |
*Tavg[2] = 27; |
°Temperature factor[2] = 1 |
*Tavg[3] = 30; |
°Temperature factor[3]= 0.989821441880933 |
* Tavg[4] = 44; |
°Temperature factor[4] =0 |
if (i < 5) |
{ |
ex.AirTemperatureMin = Tavg [i]; |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
output |
ax.StarchSynthesisAbility |
0.1487 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 2 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
2130.70 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.9777 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
output |
ax.StarchSynthesisAbility |
0.9761 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 3 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
2043.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.7707 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
300 |
output |
ax.StarchSynthesisAbility |
1 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
22.3 |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
18.2000 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
re.NitrogenStressFactor |
1 |
parameters & internal static variables |
MaxRateIndividualGrainStarchSynthesis |
1.981 |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
output |
IndividualStarchRateSinkRestricted |
0.29458 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
se.LeavesDryWeight |
333.1454995 |
se.StemsDryWeight |
660.2181 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
re.NitrogenStressFactor |
1 |
se.GrainDryWeight |
454.2880623 |
s.TotalGrainCarbonAvailable |
529.2879153 |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
22.3 |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
18.2 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PotentialRelativeLeavesSolubleSugarContent |
0.0693 |
PotentialRelativeStemsSolubleSugarContent |
0.1244 |
PostAnthesisRemobilizationBeginning |
100 |
SeedWeight |
25 |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaxRateIndividualGrainStarchSynthesis |
1.981 |
output |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted |
0.162106956 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 2 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
se.LeavesDryWeight |
333.1454995 |
se.StemsDryWeight |
660.2181 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
re.NitrogenStressFactor |
1 |
se.GrainDryWeight |
454.2880623 |
s.TotalGrainCarbonAvailable |
529.2879153 |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
16.2 |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
16.2 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PotentialRelativeLeavesSolubleSugarContent |
0.0693 |
PotentialRelativeStemsSolubleSugarContent |
0.1244 |
PostAnthesisRemobilizationBeginning |
100 |
SeedWeight |
25 |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaxRateIndividualGrainStarchSynthesis |
0.0691 |
output |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted |
0.0691 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 1 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
se.LeavesDryWeight |
333.1454995 |
se.StemsDryWeight |
660.2181 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
re.NitrogenStressFactor |
1 |
se.GrainDryWeight |
454.2880623 |
s.TotalGrainCarbonAvailable |
529.2879153 |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
22.3 |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
18.2 |
s.IndividualGrainStarchAccumulated |
14 |
parameters & internal static variables |
PotentialRelativeLeavesSolubleSugarContent |
0.0693 |
PotentialRelativeStemsSolubleSugarContent |
0.1244 |
PostAnthesisRemobilizationBeginning |
100 |
SeedWeight |
25 |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaxRateIndividualGrainStarchSynthesis |
0.0691 |
output |
s1.RelativeGrainStarchContent |
56.64842782 |
Strategy |
StarchContentChen |
Case 2 |
input |
se.GrowingDegreeDays |
1836.50 |
ax.GrowingDegreeDaysAtFlowering |
1714.10 |
se.DevelopmentStageCode |
2.2892 |
se.LeavesDryWeight |
333.1454995 |
se.StemsDryWeight |
660.2181 |
re.WaterStressFactor |
1 |
re.NitrogenStressFactor |
1 |
se.GrainDryWeight |
454.2880623 |
s.TotalGrainCarbonAvailable |
529.2879153 |
ex.AirTemperatureMax |
22.3 |
ex.AirTemperatureMin |
18.2 |
s.IndividualGrainStarchAccumulated |
* |
parameters & internal static variables |
PotentialRelativeLeavesSolubleSugarContent |
0.0693 |
PotentialRelativeStemsSolubleSugarContent |
0.1244 |
PostAnthesisRemobilizationBeginning |
100 |
SeedWeight |
25 |
PostAnthesisMaxGrainFillinRateTime |
410 |
HigherTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
29 |
LowerTemperatureOptimalStarchAccumulation |
25 |
MaximumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
40 |
MinimumTemperatureStarchAccumulation |
16 |
MaxRateIndividualGrainStarchSynthesis |
0.0691 |
output |
s1.RelativeGrainStarchContent |
◊ |
int i = 0; |
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) |
{ |
double[] AccumulatedStarch = new double[10]; |
* AccumulatedStarch [0] = 12; |
◊IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[0] = 48.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[1] = 13; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[1] = 52.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[2] = 14; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[2] =56.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[3] = 15; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[3] = 60.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[4] = 16; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[4] = 64.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[5] = 17; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[5] = 68.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[6] = 17.2; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[6] = 69.448 |
AccumulatedStarch[7] = 18; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[7] = 72.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[8] = 18.5; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[8] = 74.648 |
AccumulatedStarch[9] = 19.2; |
IndividualGrainCarbonRateRestricted[9] = 77.448 |
if (i < 10) |
{ |
s.IndividualGrainStarchAccumulated = AccumulatedStarch [i]; |
i++; |
} |
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