Oya model (2008)

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This model calculates the occurrence of milky white chalkiness on the total rice kernels dry mass, considering the peculiar effects of minimum air humidity and maximum wind speed in the period between six and 25 days after heading. In Northern-Italian conditions this period corresponds to the period between seven and 25 days for Gladio and 5 and 30 days for Loto varieties.

The general equation (Oya et al. 2008) is:


MW (%) is the percentage incidence of milky white grains on the dry mass of kernels;

Ki (0.01196 for Loto, 0.0034 for Gladio; unitless) is an empirical coefficient of the equation;

Hmin (%) corresponds to the minimum value of relative air humidity perceived by the crop within the critical period in post heading;

WSmax (m s-1) is the maximum value of average daily wind speed experienced by the crop within the critical period in post heading.

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