Sample applications

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Sample projects (C# .NET v. 4 code) are provided as examples of use of the component. Each sample application provided in the Software Development Kit contains a Console Application project with an example of use of the component UNIMI.Cassandra.RiceQuality.

In particular two sample applications were developed, in which UNIMI.Cassandra.RiceQuality is coupled with two different rice crop simulators (Figure 11 and 12): WOFOST (Van Keulen and Wolf, 1986) and WARM (Confalonieri et al., 2009). Sample applications are VisualStudio .NET console application projects explicitly designed to show in the clearest way how to use the component, and to link it with crop simulators providing UNIMI.Cassandra.RiceQuality with crop phenological development and biomass accumulation in the grains.

Figure 11. Sample application with WARM model.

Figure 12. Sample application with WOFOST model.

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