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Waves are due to the cyclical occurrence of phenomena.



Heat Wave

maximum count of consecutive days when Tmax > average Tmax (baseline year) + 3.0 oC (minimum seven days)
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Cold Spell

maximum count of consecutive days when Tmin < average Tmin (baseline year) - 3.0 oC (minimum seven days)
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Dry Spell

maximum consecutive count of P < Pt
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Wet Spell

maximum consecutive count of P > Pt
[Barnett et al., 2006]

Tmax (oC): maximum air temperature

Tmin (oC): minimum air temperature

P (mm): precipitation

Pt (mm): minimum threshold precipitation (e.g. 0.2 mm)

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