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In order to simulate water dynamics, a description of soil profile needs to be provided by users with high space resolution. Soil is characterized by a method to split user information given by pedological horizon in thinner layers.

It is also possible to estimate, deploying the Hypress pedotransfer (Wösten et al., 1999), the following variables (if they are not provided as inputs):

- saturated hydraulic conductivity;

- volumetric water content at field capacity;

- volumetric water content at wilting point;

- volumetric water content at saturation.

The method "Initialize" can run with three types of inputs:

where DepthHor is the depth of profile (m) and layNum is the number of layers.

The concerning code extract follows:

layers=oSW.Initialize(Horizon, thick, 0, 20);

where:        layers=List<ClsSoilLayerStates>

thick=double[] as an array of 0


The concerning code extract follows:

layers=oSW. Initialize(Horizon, thick, 0, 0);

where:        layers=List<ClsSoilLayerStates>


The concerning code extract follows:

layers=oSW. Initialize(Horizon, thick, 0.05, 0);

where:  layers=List<ClsSoilLayerStates>

thick=double[] as an array of 0.


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