The second approach to consider the impact of host resistance on the time progress of the epidemic considers the cultivar resistance according to the components of partial resistance (Ghatak et al., 2013) to the latency (Latencyres, 0-1) and infectiousness periods (Infectiousnessres, 0-1) and to the infection (Infectionres, 0-1) and the sporulation efficiencies (Sporulationres, 0-1). The partial resistance of the simulated cultivar to the different components of the epidemic can be set by means of categories ranging from 0 to 4, as described in the Resistance category topic of this help file.
The equations used to take into account the partial resistance of the host plant are reported below:
where Lath is the duration of the latency period (hours) , Infnessh is the duration of the infectious period, Speff is the sporulation efficiency (0-1) and Infeff is the infection efficiency (0-1).
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