

UNIMI.SoilW is a standalone component with its own data-type and related interfaces, so it is reusable under different backgrounds.

The SoilW component offers a wide range of alternative methods to perform the simulation. It allows the estimation of its parameters and can check data quality in simulation models, testing pre and post conditions. The full description of the algorithms available is given here, with a summary description of algorithms under implementation.

The SoilW component, which can also be deployed independently for use other than in the Seamless framework, shows the following features: 1) capability to extend models by adding new ones without recompiling the component and still using the same call, 2) test of pre- and post-conditions 3) (under implementation) xml files to save the configurations of the component.

Component-oriented programming, that encapsulates the solution of modelling problems into a discrete, replaceable and interchangeable software unit (component), was used to define the water component design. The architecture of this component has been focused on ease of maintenance, reuse, interchange ability and extensibility of software developed. The component has been developed using C# in the .NET platform of Windows.

The SoilW component has the purpose of simulating the water dynamics in the soil. This component simulates:

1) Water redistribution among the soil layers - the changes of soil water content and fluxes among layers are provided in the output (flux out of the bottom layer is percolation); cascading (tipping-bucket) or finite difference methods are available.

2) Effective plant transpiration; several options are available.

3) Soil evaporation; several options are available.

4) Drained water if pipe drains are present (under development).

5) Effects of soil tillage and subsequent settling on hydrological properties of the soil (field capacity, wilting point, retention functions, conductivity functions, bulk density).

The component does not simulate water infiltration. Input water is assumed to be net rain, able to infiltrate the soil. No attempt to compute runoff, plant and mulch interception is done here. To obtain net infiltration it is possible to use the SoilRE component (from University of Milan) that estimates runoff and plant interception.

The component can be freely used and distributed by modeller and developers in their own applications. The component can be used in code developed using any programming language (VB.NET, C#, C++). The component design allows for expansions by the users that can add easily their own models.

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